
Hello! My name is Jasmina and I am the owner of the webshop Penpal Junkie ( www.pp-junkie.com ). I love everything thats cute, especially cupcakes!

Valentine's day

I'm not a big fan of Valentine myself, but I thought it would be fun to share some DIY valentine gifts with you.
I found all of these beautiful tutorials on Martha Stewart's website.

What more could you ask for on Valentine's Day than a heart-shaped container filled with bon bons (or any of your favorite candy for that matter)? They make great suprises when hanging from doorknobs, computers, car rear view mirrors or pretty much anywhere you can hang something from.

Everyone loves fortune cookies, so why not make a bunch for your special friends on Valentine's Day? They do take a bit of time and if you can't crochet, well... it's going to be a bit of a challenge, but it's damn worth the wait. Add a magnet on the back and Voila! You have a year-round magnet!  

Paper doilies make delightful, lacy sleeves for hand-delivered valentines. Fold different kinds of doilies to show off particular elements of their patterns -- a starry mandala, a ring of wheeling snowflakes, a fragile open heart. With the embossed side of the doily face up, fold in the sides, then fold up the bottom. Cut a piece of tinted art paper to fit neatly inside. Write something flattering and true, and seal the envelope with the tap of a glue stick. The contrasting color dramatizes the lace pattern and hints at the tender message within.
Nothing expresses the essence of Valentine's Day better than a big, full heart. Declare your love for a sweetheart -- or simply a love of romance -- with this handmade cockscomb  

Tools and Materials
Heart-shaped 10-inch polystyrene wreath form (available at florists' shops)
Utility knife with a saw blade
Hot-glue gun and glue sticks
Several bunches of dried cockscomb (each with about eight stems)
3 yards of satin ribbon
Floral wire

Cockscomb Valentine Wreath How-To
Round off the edges of the wreath form with the utility knife; beveled edges will let flowers flow over the sides. Trim stems off flowers, leaving a 1/4-inch base. Apply glue to bases, and arrange flowers -- tops facing up -- on form, grouping them by color. Cut a yard of ribbon, fold it in half, and attach it to the back of the wreath with a T-pin to form a loop for hanging. After hanging the wreath from a tack in the wall, tie remaining ribbon into a bow with long tails, and mount the bow on the tack with floral wire  

Sigourney ♥


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