
Hello! My name is Jasmina and I am the owner of the webshop Penpal Junkie ( www.pp-junkie.com ). I love everything thats cute, especially cupcakes!


Hi there!

First I will introduce myself to you. I am Chantal, 20 years old and just bought my own house in the Haque, the Netherlands. I have my own webshop called By Chantilly with handmade accessoires and I work full time for a boss.
I love a lot of things like cupcakes, pink, designing on my computer, making jewelry, sewing nice things with my sewingmachine, laughing, my boyfriend, my dog and since a few days my new kitten.His name is Cookie and he discoverd cuteness and made it his own! ^_^

Jasmina of PenPal Junkie asked on her blog for Quest Bloggers and here I am ;-). I will post one blog every week with something incredibly cute. That can be everything, cute pictures I made, a cute story of maybe a cute DIY?You’ll never know, just read my blogs to find out what kind of cuteness I discovered that week!

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